About Us

Where Science and Education Meets

We Employ Latest Research Technology & experts

Bata Ecological Research Center is NGO dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural habitats through research and education.

eli frey bata eco erzsebet frey


Erzsebet Frey | Ecologist and Online Entrepreneur

Erzsebet Frey (Eli) is a passionate ecologist and online entrepreneur who has been living on the tropical island of Sri Lanka since 2017. She was born in Germany and raised in Serbia.

Eli epitomizes a harmonious blend of science and entrepreneurship, driven by her profound love for nature, wildlife, and simple living.

Her passion lies in bridging science and society through communicating ecological concepts and natural wonders through research and blogging. Beyond her professional pursuits, Eli finds joy in creating nature-inspired and simple living videos on YouTube, and she actively engages in speleology, diving, and hiking, continually exploring and sharing the wonders of the natural world.


Eli honed her academic expertise in Serbia, at the University of Belgrade, where she earned both a Bachelor and Master of Science in Biology and Ecology.

Eli’s career in ecology has been marked by extensive international experience in both  laboratory and field work. Her professional journey spans across continents, from exploring the ancient caves and mountain ranges of the Balkans to scaling the towering peaks and pristine lakes of Europe. She has immersed herself in the stunning biodiversity of Brazil, delved into the marine world of Oman, and explored renowned national parks in Sri Lanka.

Online Entrepreneurship

In 2018, she expanded into SEO and blogging, completing specialized courses in SEO and Digital Marketing from UC Davis and Edinburgh. As an online entrepreneur, Eli has founded multiple websites focused on her field of study and interests, biology, ecology, environmental science, sustainable living, and outdoor activities.

Websites owned by Erzsebet Frey:

Simply Ecologist

Bata Eco

– Eco and Stylish

– Litepreneur

– Shop by Eli



Protecting wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature.


We envision a world where wildlife thrives in a healthy environment, valued by societies that embrace and benefit from the diversity and integrity of life on earth.

About Bata Ecological Research Center (BataEco)

Welcome to Bata Ecological Research Center (BataEco), an NGO passionately dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural habitats. Through rigorous research and comprehensive education, we strive to preserve biodiversity and promote a deeper understanding of biology, ecology, and environmental science.

Our Mission

BataEco is committed to the study and conservation of native species and their ecosystems. Our mission is to protect the delicate balance of nature by conducting scientific research and providing educational resources that inspire and empower individuals to take action in preserving our natural world.

Our Work

  • Research: Our team of scientists and researchers engages in extensive fieldwork and laboratory studies to collect vital data on native species and their habitats. This research helps us identify threats to biodiversity and develop effective conservation strategies.
  • Education: BataEco offers a variety of educational programs, including workshops, seminars, and community outreach initiatives. These programs are designed to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and to educate people of all ages on topics related to biology, ecology, and environmental science.
  • Conservation: We implement conservation projects aimed at restoring and preserving critical habitats. Our efforts include habitat restoration, species reintroduction, and collaboration with local communities to promote sustainable practices that benefit both wildlife and people.

Our Blog

Our blog is a comprehensive resource dedicated to topics in biology, ecology, and environmental science. It features articles, research findings, educational content, for both students and professionals. The blog serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, raising awareness, and fostering a community of individuals passionate about protecting our natural world.

Who Can Benefit from Our Work?

BataEco’s efforts and resources are valuable to a diverse audience with a shared interest in environmental conservation and education. Our target audiences include:

  1. Environmental Scientists and Researchers: Professionals seeking data, insights, and collaboration opportunities for conservation projects.
  2. Educators and Students: Teachers and learners looking for educational content and resources about biology, ecology, and environmental science.
  3. Conservationists and Ecologists: Individuals and organizations dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity and natural habitats.
  4. Policy Makers and Government Agencies: Entities involved in the creation and implementation of environmental policies and regulations.
  5. Wildlife Enthusiasts and Nature Lovers: People passionate about wildlife and interested in supporting conservation efforts and learning more about the natural world.
  6. Local Communities: Residents living near natural habitats who can benefit from sustainable practices and conservation education.
  7. NGOs and Environmental Organizations: Groups seeking partnerships and collaborative efforts in environmental protection.
  8. General Public: Anyone interested in understanding and contributing to the conservation of our planet’s biodiversity.

At BataEco, we believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting our planet’s natural heritage. We invite you to explore our blog, participate in our programs, and join us in our mission to safeguard native plants and animals. Together, we can create a sustainable future for all.

For more information about BataEco, our work, and how you can get involved, please read our blog or contact us directly.

why Choose Us


High-quality service of advanced and complex projects


Experts in different fields of Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Science with international research experience. We partner with local communities, governments, non-governmental organizations, and businesses. Together, we pioneer new and innovative ways to help wildlife and preserve the environment.


Precise results that meet the deadline


Our staff has a Master of Science or Ph.D. Degree

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