What is the biodiversity hotspot?

What is the biodiversity hotspot?

A biodiversity hotspot is a method of identifying regions of the world where special attention is needed to fighting against the loss of biodiversity and stimulating investments for conservation, it is rich in many rare and endemic species.

The idea first came from Norman Myers in 1988. Conservation International adopted the Myers hotspots as an institutional project in 1989 and in 1999 the organization undertook a large comprehensive review that introduced quantitative thresholds for the designation of biodiversity.

Currently, 36 biodiversity hotspots have been identified, most of which are located in tropical forests. They represent only 2.3% of the earth’s surface, but among them contain about 50% of the world’s endemic plant species and 42% of all terrestrial vertebrates.

Overall, the hotspots have lost about 86% of their original habitat and are also considered highly threatened by climate change-induced extinctions. The importance of hotspot biodiversity is due to the high vulnerability of habitats and the highly irreplaceable nature of species found in large geographic areas. This means that these areas and the species within them have both under-elevated threat levels and significant global value due to their uniqueness.

Therefore, operations taking place in global biodiversity hotspots must follow rigorous biodiversity assessments to avoid further loss of biodiversity in these areas. It is a global-scale approach based on large-scale ecoregions and therefore has limited use for site-scale assessment and decision-making.

Biodiversity hotspots will include areas of high importance for biodiversity as well as degraded lands and urban and therefore more detailed surveys are needed to identify the actual distribution of biodiversity in these areas.

Socio-cultural values ​​- Given the richness of hotspot ecosystems, hotspots are often areas that provide essential ecosystem services. The biodiversity hotspots, although they include 2.3% of the earth’s surface represent 35% of global ecosystem services. Additionally, the hotspots host 2.08 billion people giving meaning to the ecosystem services they provide. Biodiversity hotspots can include a variety of human, rural and urban land uses, as well as the protected areas below range of possible government types, so many social and/or cultural values ​​are likely to be present in certain regions. This, however, is independent of the area’s identification as a biodiversity hotspot.

There are over a thousand major ecoregions in the world. It is estimated that there are about 200 richest, richest, rarest, and the most distinctive natural areas in the world. They are called the Global 200.

Hotspots of biodiversity refer to bio-geographic bio-geographic regions where significant levels of biodiversity with richness and unusual concentration of endemic species are found, however, however, they are threatened with mindless exploitation and destruction.

Biodiversity is defined as a hotspot if – It has at least 1,500 endemic vascular plants. It must be threatened with destruction to a large extent. Across the world, about 36 areas are marked as hotspots of biodiversity and they represent 2.3% percent of the Earth’s land area but support more than half of the world’s endemic plant species and almost half of the animal world.

You probably picture a tropical forest in your mind: green, warm, and humid, with large trees, dense shrubbery, and a variety of insects, birds, and mammals. This picture is true: the tropical region has an incredible wealth of plant and animal species. Species from tropical regions could represent two-thirds of the known species on earth! Many parts of the tropical zone areas are considered biodiversity hotspots and home to the world’s rarest and most endangered species. Whether they are mountain ranges, islands, or tropical forests, the impressive diversity of life in these makes them important places to protect and study.

The actual number of living organisms on Earth is unknown to us, but so far scientists have described no less than 1.7 million species of living organisms. Of these, more than 1.3 million are animals, 100,000 are fungi, and more than 300,000 are plants, plus countless types of bacteria, algae, and viruses. This amazing diversity of life forms is what we call biodiversity, all types of life that exist in a given place.

It is difficult to know the real number of living organisms on Earth, scientists agree that despite the large number of species already discovered, there are probably more species still to be discovered.

The organisms we know of today represent only a lotsmall portion of all living creatures that have inhabited the planet since the beginning of life. All living species today represent only 5% of the whole species that have roamed the Earth throughout its history! It’s a reminder that extinction is a constant force shaping Earth’s biodiversity.

However, many scientists would agree that we face a badger today of species extinction which is faster than ever before.Plant and animal species in biodiversity hotspots are going through losses. Biodiversity hotspots only cover points.4% of the land on Earth, whereas they originally covered 12% of the earth.Factors such as pollution, land use, deforestation, and climate change are the main causes of habitat loss and destruction.

The fact that these factors are widespread creates challenges for species that manage to survive; and with an always-changing climate and unpredictable circumstances, species that cannot resist environmental change or move to the most suitable habitat are likely to disappear.

When we think about the future of biodiversity on Earth, we have to think about the role we play in climate change. Some scientists predict that up to 54% of species are threatened with extinction due to climate change.

To protect the Earth, we can begin by making tiny changes in our daily lives. Recycling, collecting garbage, paying attention to our water consumption, and limiting pollution by walking, cycling, or taking public transportation are some of the ways to help the environment. We can also develop our ideas while educating ourselves about biodiversity.


As we have learned, an area with a large number of species is considered rich in biodiversity. There are 36 biodiversity hotspots on our planet, and these spaces are dazzling, unique, and full of life.

The plants, animals and other living organisms that inhabit these places are rare, and numerousof them are found only in these specific geographical areas.These biodiversity hotspots are currently threatened with destruction. Habitat destruction caused directly by man, as well as destruction due to climate change, are the main causes of the increasing extinction of the Earth’s species.

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